Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cell phones: 50 percent increase in frontal and temporal lobe tumors in children

By Lloyd Burrell

The Office of National Statistics in the United Kingdom discovered a 50 percent increase in frontal and temporal lobe tumors in children during the ten year span covering 1999 to 2009. Was this a result of cell phone radiation?

The Department of Health in the UK would appear to think so. One in three children under the age of ten currently has a cellphone in their possession. The governmental agency put out the following statement: "Children should only use mobile phones for essential purposes and keep all calls short."

The facts: while adults definitely absorb some radiation from using cellphones, children are at considerably greater risk. When compared to adults, children's brains can take in up to three times the amount of radiation.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released their findings last year after going over huge amounts of data taken from dozens of studies: cellphones may cause cancer in humans. These findings were compiled from research that discovered using a cellphone for a decade increases the risk of developing acoustic neuromas in adults. It can be inferred from these findings the distinct possibility that similar, if not more devastating results, can occur in children due to: Read more…

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