Sunday, July 16, 2006

Better sex

kamarajaSex has always been an issue of dichotomy. An integral part of our lives and essential for the continuation of the species, it is far more than just a technical necessity.
On the other hand Maharishi Vatsayan's Kamasutra is yet unparalleled as the most comprehensive documentation ever on the practice of sex. Unfortunately,its classic treatment of the act and the art has often been misrepresented. The ancient Ayurvedic text of Charaka Samhita provided complete sexual solutions over 3000 years ago And the time-frozen, stone-carved, erotic sculptures in the temples at Khajuraho and Konarak leave millions of visitors utterly awe-struck by their sheer beauty, elegance and variety. An undying testimony to how intrinsic sex was to the daily lives of people in ancient India.
Sex, like most other functions of our body is a normal process. As other functions, like for example, the digestion, can be upset by factors like a bad mood, stress or similar such things, so can the sexual function be disturbed by a whole lot of factors. These may not necessarily involve the anatomy but instead it’s the mind, which makes the difference.If sex is allowed to happen naturally, in a relaxed way, our bodies will respond normally without any conscious effort on our part.
There are a wide variety of problem or situations that can upset the normal sexual responsiveness, most of them, fortunately, can be helped in a positive manner by understanding on our part. Here are a few of the most common amongst them and ways to improve:
Misunderstanding and/or lack of information about sex:Its indeed one of the most telling ironies that Sex, despite being one of the most commonly discussed topic in our lives and in the media, there is a surprising lack of correct information about ‘What to Expect and How to Act’.Those images of the ‘Perfect Macho Man and The Perfect Sensual Woman’ on the TV and in the Magazines make us feel that Sex instead of being a perfectly normal natural and enjoyable thing, is an ‘Act to be Performed to Perfection’. All this does it to add to the confusion and leads to unrealistic fears, expectations and fantasies.

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