Saturday, April 15, 2006

GHEE - Ayurveda's Elixir of Life!

In Ayurveda, cow's milk & Ghee (clarified butter) is believed to be the best for human consumption. It is full of nutritive qualities. Ayurveda considers it a Rasayana, a rejuvenating and longevity-promoting food. Ghee is traditionally made by heating butter until it becomes a golden liquid.
HOW TO MAKE GHEE: Two pounds of butter will make one quart of ghee. Put the butter (sweet and unsalted, use organic if available) in a heavy, medium-size pot, turn the heat to medium, and heat until the butter melts, taking care not to burn the butter. Then turn down the heat, cook until the butter just boils, and continue to cook at this temperature. Do not cover the pot, as it is important to boil the water out and separate the solids. The butter will foam and sputter for a while and then begin to quiet down. Stir it occasionally with a stainless steel spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan.In 12 to 15 minutes your ghee will begin to smell like popcorn and will turn a lovely golden color. Whitish curds turn a light tan color and the boiling quiets down, the ghee is ready. Take it off the heat immediately, for it is most likely to burn at this stage. The cooking time should not be longer than 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the kind of pan and the heat source. Let the ghee cool until it is just warm. The solid curds will have settled to the bottom of the pot. Pour it through a fine sieve or layers of cheesecloth into a clean, dry glass container with a tight lid.and discard the curds left on the bottom.
STORING GHEE : Ghee can be kept on the kitchen shelf. It does not need refrigeration. Its medicinal properties are said to improve with age. Don't ladle out the ghee with a wet spoon or allow any water to get into the container, as this will create the conditions for bacteria to grow and spoil the ghee.
Sahasraviryam Vidhibhighrutam karmasahasrakrut (Ashtanga sangrah)
Ghee is extremly potent and has got thousands of uses if used properly .
Shastam dhismrutimedhagnibalau shukrachakshusham (Ashtanga sangrah)
Ghee increases digestive fire. It helps to improve absorption and assimilation. It nourishes ojas, the subtle essence of all the body's tissues, strengthens the brain and nervous system, and improves memory. It lubricates the connective tissue. Ghee makes the body flexible and, in small doses, is tridoshic.Ghee pacifies pitta and vata and is acceptable, in moderation, for kapha. Persons who already have high cholesterol or suffer from obesity should be cautious in using ghee. Ghee is not to be used when there are high ama (toxic) conditions.The coagulated lactose and other milk solids are removed in the process, making it suitable for lactose intolerant people.
Medicated Ghee :Ghee is a yogavahi—a catalytic agent that carries the medicinal properties of herbs into the seven dhatus or tissues of the body. For the fall season make some ashwagandha-shatavari ghee. For the winter try a dashmoola ghee. For the spring add some of your favorite spices to make a spicy ghee. For the summer go for a bitter ghee made with local bitter herbs or try the formula called mahasudarshan (which you can buy from most ayurvedic shops online). Also for the summer brahmi ghee which is very good.
Old Ghee :Medicinal properties improve with age but not taste. Old ghee is said to pacify Tridosha.
Shata Dhout Ghruta (100 times washed ghruta) :Traditional Ayurvedic Skin Cream - It's completely natural and chemical free. Very useful for achiving radient and glowing skin.Shatadhout Ghruta is preapred from organic ghee (made from cow milk) by washing it repeatedly 100 times using specific method prescribed in Ayurveda. This process transforms the ghee into a soft ,cooling, nourishing, silky cream.Recommended use: It is an excellent Astringent, Moisturiser, Anti-wrinkle & Cleansing cream. Can be used as a daily moisturizer on the face (or whole body) or for facial massage. Also, has calming effect on reddish or burned skin, and on eczema and rosacea.
Ayurvedic Medicine

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