Saturday, April 01, 2006

Ayurveda is an ancient and one of India's traditional systems of preventive health care.

Ayurveda is an ancient and one of India's traditional systems of preventive health care. Ayurvedic system that has been practiced primarily in the Indian subcontinent for 6,000+ years. Ayurveda includes diet and herbal remedies and emphasizes the use of body, mind, and spirit in disease prevention and treatment. Tha Sanskrit name Ayurveda (Aa-yur-VAY-dah) means "knowledge of life." According to this system, bodily health is determined by three biological principles, called doshas: Vata, which regulates movement; Pitta, which regulates metabolism; and Kapha, which regulates structure.
Ayurveda, as developed by the precious Rishis (Saints) during the Vedic Age, is about a whole lifestyle of health and well-being, purity and joyfulness for the ultimate purpose of realizing One's own nature. Ayurveda is not about modern 'magical bullets,' which tend to temporally ameliorate or pacify symptoms while leaving the source of the disease untouched. The focus of Ayurveda is on absolute perfect Health, not disease!
The basic 'assumption' of Ayurveda is that you are That consciousness out of which all bodies and minds arise from, as opposed to western medicine and society, which takes one to be the body-brain mechanical Newtonian machine. In this analogy, Ayurveda is more an expression of the unity of Quantum Mechanics than the limited separateness of Newtonian Physics.

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