Thursday, January 05, 2006 - Ayurvedic Fundamentals - Introduction on the 3 doshas in Ayurveda medical practice - Ayurvedic Fundamentals - Introduction on the 3 doshas in Ayurveda medical practice: "The functional intelligences within the body. As soon as life enters into the body, three vital principles emerge which regulate and control the biological functions. They are known as VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. In fact, they are the subtle forms of the three bhutas �air, fire and water.
� According to Ayurveda, doshas are of vital importance because they are responsible for coordinating and directing all the structures and substances of the body.
� Knowledge of the doshas and their functioning give us the understanding of the intelligence that commands the dhatus (body tissues) and malas (waste products) and gives the body its vast functional capability.
� The theory of the three doshas is the crown jewel of Ayurvedic science and cornerstone of its diagnostic and treatment modalities.
� All motions, transportation and electromagnetic activities are controlled by vata.
� Pitta represents fire principle and as such is concerned with process of conversion, consumption and other chemical changes taking place in the living body.
� Kapha is the principle of water and as such every living cell is pervaded by it in order to perform their functions.
� The dead body and the other inanimate objects have none of the three doshas. It proves that tridoshas are invariably connected with life.
� When prana (soul) enters into the material body, the three doshas �vata, pitta and kapha �emerge to take up the physiological functions.
� The three doshas have characters contrary to each other so as to maintain the equilibrium.
Vata Constitution
Vata is the very force, which keeps kapha, pitta, dhatus and malas in motion. It has originated from the akasha and vayu mahabhoo"

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